“Never have I ever…” is a great game for getting to know people. But it’s not just for getting to know people you’ve just met. It’s also great with friends you think you know well. With never have I ever questions, you can really learn some embarrassing and interesting things about people you thought you knew well.
Just make sure you pick your questions wisely, and don’t ask people you just met intensely personal questions.
Never have I ever rules
So there are two ways to play “Never have I ever”. Depending on your age and what you are comfortable with, you can pick the game that works for you and your friends. Or you could just say “Never have I ever…” and have your friends say if they have done it or not.
The (non-drinking) points game
The first way to play “Never have I ever…” is to sit or stand in a circle. Then one person says something that they haven’t done. “Never have I ever broken something at a friend’s house and not told them.” If you have broken something at a friend’s house and not told your friend, then you lose a point. Then the next person says something they haven’t done “Never have I ever…” and so on.
You have ten points to start and when you don’t have any more points you are out of the game. You can keep track of your points on your fingers or draw circles and cross them out on a piece of paper. The last person with points left wins the game.
If only one person has done the thing from the question, they are usually asked to tell the story of how it happened.
The drinking game
The second way of playing is with sips of a drink instead of points.
Everyone forms a circle or sits around a table and one person starts out “Never have I ever been stranded on the side of the road.” If someone has been stranded on the side of the road they take a drink. Then it goes to the next person. And they say “Never have I ever…” and round and round it goes.
There isn’t really a winner but there are definitely people who end up drinking a lot more than others. Usually the game stops when people get too drunk or the questions get too embarrassing.
If only one or two people take a drink, usually the group will ask for details or a story. But if no one drinks then the person who said “Never have I ever…” drinks.
A word of warning if you are playing the drinking game. The game can get out of hand pretty quickly. So drink responsibly. Also, ask questions responsibly. There have been many a friendship that have ended over a game of “Never have I ever…”
Remember to keep it fun
No matter which version you are playing make sure to keep things relatively light and fun. No one has fun when the questions start getting too dark or emotionally scarring.
Remember the point of the game is to get to know your friends a little bit better and find out some interesting things about them. So have fun with it and don’t get too serious or make the questions too awkward to answer. You can use some of these questions as is, or use them as idea starters for your own questions.
LIst of Never have I ever questions
Here are some great never have I ever questions for your enjoyment!
1. Never have I ever shoplifted.
What will it be? Something from the local gas station or corner store? Or perhaps something big or expensive? Chances are at least one person around the table has shoplifted at some point.
2. Never have I ever fainted.
You’d be surprised how common fainting is, and if it happened at an embarrassing time it can be a great story.
3. Never have I ever hitchhiked.
You can definitely meet some interesting characters while hitchhiking. Not a lot of people will pick up a complete stranger off the street.
4. Never have I ever been arrested.
If you are playing with more than five people, chances are at least one of your friends has been arrested. And boy howdy do you want to hear that story.
5. Never have I ever gone surfing.
This one will definitely get some different responses depending on how close or far away from the coast you are.
6. Never have I ever been electrocuted.
Yes, probably someone has been electrocuted. And yes, it was probably because they were doing something stupid.
7. Never have I ever gotten stitches.
Who doesn’t like a good gory injury story?!
8. Never have I ever gone hunting.
Again, it probably varies a lot on your geography and whether you are citified or countrified.
9. Never have I ever gone vegan.
To meat or not to meat. Who has taken the veggie plunge?
10. Never have I ever bungee jumped.
Now you can find out which of your friends are adrenaline junkies and if it lived up to the hype.
11. Never have I ever ridden an animal.
Extra fun to hear about if it’s a weird random animal that we don’t normally think about riding.
12. Never have I ever broken a bone.
If they’ve broken a bone, they probably will want to tell you about it. And they’ve probably told that story a hundred times already.
13. Never have I ever shot a gun.
Speaking as someone who grew up in the countryside in the US, if you live in the countryside, there’s going to be quite a few folks who’ve shot a gun.
14. Never have I ever dined and dashed.
Careful if you have former or current waiters/waitresses at the party, they are liable to chew out the people who said they did this on.
15. Never have I ever chipped a tooth.
I wonder why humans get so much joy out listening to stories about other people’s injuries. Maybe it’s like a survival mechanism. You get to learn not to do the thing they did without having to go through the pain.
16. Never have I ever gone scuba diving.
Probably like the 3rd most fun thing you can do underwater. Under the sea, under the sea!
17. Never have I ever ruined someone else’s vacation.
Whether on purpose or as an accident. Whether it’s when you were a child or when you grew up. Believe me, the group will want to hear.
18. Never have I ever jumped from a roof.
Going to have to guess it probably ended badly for whoever admits to it. But who knows, you might have a parkour aficionado in your group.
19. Never have I ever been caught cheating on a test.
Sure, lot’s of people cheat on tests, but it’s always more interesting when they get caught.
20. Never have I ever had a paranormal experience.
Who doesn’t love a good ghost story? This one is great for getting some creepy stories.
21. Never have I ever been caught sneaking into a movie.
Try as they might it’s hard for movie theaters to keep people from sneaking movie to movie. I’m sure quite a few of your group have snuck into a movie, but how many have been caught?
22. Never have I ever danced in an elevator.
Elevator dance parties. Got to love them.
23. Never have I ever had a treehouse.
This one probably isn’t going to lead to any juicy stories, but you will get to hear about some tree houses and childhood joy. And that’s always fun, right? Or at least it’s a break from stories about being arrested and horribly injured.
24. Never have I ever worn glasses with fake lenses.
Glasses. Fashion for your face! While it used to be a social stigma to wear glasses, now it’s trendy.
25. Never have I ever been on a fad diet.
Sure, there will be lots of folks who have tried fad diets, but the most fun thing about this one is that there is bound to be one person in the group who did some super bizarre fad diet.
26. Never have I ever been to a fashion show.
Depending on the majors of the group you are with, you’ll either get a lot of takers or none at all. Who knows, there might even be an interesting story in there somewhere.
27. Never have I ever stolen something from a restaurant.
Forks, spoons, glasses, plates, who is the restaurant robber in your group?
28. Never have I ever had a bad allergic reaction.
Well if they are playing the game with you, they can’t have died, right? So, it must not have been too traumatic. Always better to try for the hilariously embarrassing anecdotes instead of the horribly depressing ones.
29. Never have I ever woken up and couldn’t move.
This is a common occurrence in a lot of people, where your brain is awake, but your body isn’t. Even if you haven’t had it happen to you, it’s probably happened to someone in the group. Some cultures say a ghost or the devil is sitting on you. And some people suggest that this phenomenon might be why you get lots of alien abduction stories that occur in the bedroom.
30. Never have I ever been trapped in an elevator.
Perhaps you won’t get any takers for this one, but if you do there is bound to be a good story behind it. Especially if there were other people in the elevator. It’s a sitcom trope, so it has to have happened to some folks, right?
31. Never have I ever texted for four hours straight.
Who is the next level texter in your group? Chances are they are texting during this game…
32. Never have I ever taken part in a talent show.
There are few things more hilariously embarrassing than a talent show gone wrong. Sure it is terrible at the time, but it makes for a great story afterward!
33. Never have I ever walked for more than eight hours straight.
Whether it be hiking, travel, or a stranded car, there are sure to be some great stories attached to this one.
34. Never have I ever tried to cut my own hair.
Most people have done it. Very few have done it well.
35. Never have I ever been to a country in Africa.
Who doesn’t love a good travel story? If you have someone in your group who has traveled to Africa they probably have some great stories to share.
36. Never have I ever thought I was going to drown.
Okay so this one can be a bit traumatic depending on the situation, so you might want to gauge the overall mood of the group before asking this one.
37. Never have I ever worked at a fast-food restaurant.
Most of have. And boy are there some interesting coworkers and customers. Try asking follow up questions, like who was your weirdest coworker or worst customer?
38. Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
If anyone in your group has, make sure to ask them how it turned out. I’ve never heard of someone falling in love at first sight, and then everything turned out well. Usually it turns into a train wreck. Humans are weird.
39. Never have I ever sung karaoke in front of people.
Maybe you can even get some folks in the group to do some impromptu karaoke. Just not too much. Karaoke is like salt, sometimes less is more.
40. Never have I ever been on TV or the radio.
Who is the low-key celebrity in your group? The best is when it’s up on YouTube, and you can show the group.
41. Never have I ever been awake for two days straight.
Usually, that is about the time the hallucinations start. Only seen a few people do it and they tend to make some very interesting decisions when they’ve skipped two nights of sleep.
42. Never have I ever thrown up on a roller coaster.
This is just the worst. For everyone involved. It’s just terrible. But hey, you weren’t there so you can enjoy it!
43. Never have I ever accidentally sent someone to the hospital.
Yay trampolines are fun! Sorry about your broken arm. My bad.
44. Never have I ever dyed my hair a crazy color.
Bonus points if you can complete the rainbow with the colors from your group.
45. Never have I ever fallen into a hole deeper than I was tall.
Ouch. What kind of hole was it and how many things did you break?
46. Never have I ever been to a country in Asia.
Everybody loves talking about their travel stories, and Asia is big, so you’ll probably get at least a couple of people who’ve traveled to a country there.
47. Never have I ever had to run to save my life.
Disclaimer: can definitely become a downer really quick. Running from animals, funny. Running from humans is a mixed bag with mostly trauma and depressing stuff in it.
48. Never have I ever made money by performing on the street.
Whether it was for fun, for a bit of extra money, or because they fell on hard times. You might discover that someone in your group has a hidden talent.
49. Never have I ever seen an alligator or crocodile in the wild.
This one depends a lot on where you live. If most of your group lives in Florida, it’s pretty much everyone.
50. Never have I ever completely forgot my lines in a play.
Similar to the talent show one. And something that has probably happened to everyone when they were a kid. There is a chance you still cringe at the memory of it.
51. Never have I ever had a surprise party thrown for me.
Who doesn’t love a surprise party?! A LOT OF PEOPLE, it turns out. Sure, some folks love surprise parties, but some loathe them.
52. Never have I ever accidentally said “I love you” to someone.
Oh, it’s just the worst. Just as you are about to hang up, it slips out and makes your customer service call super awkward.
53. Never have I ever pressed send and then immediately regretted it.
And there is no getting it back. That’s the worst part. It’s on its way like a ticking time bomb, and there is nothing you can to do to get it back.
54. Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s parent.
Does Stacy’s mom really got it going on? These can be some seriously awkward crushes.
55. Never have I ever had someone slap me across the face.
Oh, there are definitely some stories behind this one. Usually, people don’t get full-on face slapped for no reason. But even if it was a random slap, still probably a good story.
56. Never have I ever cried in public because of a song.
You know, we all have those songs that pull at the heartstrings. Hopefully this will pull out some embarrassing stories from your friends.
57. Never have I ever read a whole novel in one day.
Sure, there are lots of quotes about not being able to put a book down. But have you ever read a book where it was literally true?
58. Never have I ever pressured someone into getting a tattoo or piercing.
Sometimes good friends can be a bad influence.
59. Never have I ever looked through someone else’s phone without their permission.
Find out which of your friends you have to watch your phone around. Once a phone snooper always a phone snooper.
60. Never have I ever had a physical fight with my best friend.
Best friends have some serious fights. Have you ever come to blows with your best friend?
61. Never have I ever thrown something into a TV or computer screen.
Looking at you Wii-mote.
62. Never have I ever walked out of a movie because it was bad.
Reviews. Always good to check the reviews. There are lots of bad movies out there that somehow avoid being so bad that they are good.
63. Never have I ever been so sunburnt I couldn’t wear a shirt.
Walking around covered in aloe like you just popped out of a Matrix pod.
64. Never have I ever been screamed at by a customer at my job.
Oh yeah, the general public, they are totally reasonable. I’m sure no one in your group has had this happen to them.
65. Never have I ever spent a night in the woods with no shelter.
Lost in the woods, a drunken night gone wrong, hard times, so many reasons to be tentless in the woods.
66. Never have I ever taken food out of a trash can and eaten it.
Oops didn’t mean to throw that away. Is it worth it? Is anyone watching?
67. Never have I ever cried/flirted my way out of a speeding ticket.
Sure, many have tried. But how many have succeeded. Sometimes the failures can be funnier than the successes.
68. Never have I ever snooped through a friend’s bathroom or bedroom without them knowing.
We all know people do this. Now find out which of your friends does it. It’s fun to leave surprises in drawers for snoopers to find.
69. Never have I ever set my or someone else’s hair on fire on purpose.
I had a friend who would burn off his body hair for fun. I guess everyone has to have a hobby.
70. Never have I ever had a bad fall because I was walking and texting.
Yes, you have. Don’t lie.
71. Never have I ever been in an embarrassing video that was uploaded to YouTube.
And now the frantic YouTube search begins!
72. Never have I ever broken something at a friend’s house and then not told them.
These stories change a lot depending on whether it happened when they were a kid or after they had grown up.
73. Never have I ever been without heat for a winter or without A/C for a summer.
Very geographically dependent as to how interesting this question is. You might want to tweak it for your local climate.
74. Never have I ever worked with someone I hated with the burning fire of a thousand suns.
You’ve had THAT coworker. We all have. And now we want to hear about them and the crimes they’ve committed.
75. Never have I ever injured myself while trying to impress a girl or boy I was interested in.
Hey, watch what I can do! Annnd… hospital.
76. Never have I ever lied about a family member dying as an excuse to get out of doing something.
You might get some people who have done this and as a further question, has anyone been asked to prove it?
We also have some similar juicy questions to ask your friends.
Never have I ever PDF and Image
Here is our never have I ever questions PDF of all the questions.
And here is the image of our never have I ever questions.